/* this file contains the actual definitions of */ /* the IIDs and CLSIDs */ /* link this file in with the server and any clients */ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 3.03.0110 */ /* at Mon May 25 22:01:08 1998 */ /* Compiler settings for vaevt.idl: Oicf (OptLev=i2), W1, Zp8, env=Win32, ms_ext, c_ext error checks: none */ //@@MIDL_FILE_HEADING( ) #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C"{ #endif #ifndef __IID_DEFINED__ #define __IID_DEFINED__ typedef struct _IID { unsigned long x; unsigned short s1; unsigned short s2; unsigned char c[8]; } IID; #endif // __IID_DEFINED__ #ifndef CLSID_DEFINED #define CLSID_DEFINED typedef IID CLSID; #endif // CLSID_DEFINED const IID IID_ISystemDebugEventFire = {0x6c736dC1,0xAB0D,0x11d0,{0xA2,0xAD,0x00,0xA0,0xC9,0x0F,0x27,0xE8}}; const IID IID_ISystemDebugEventFireAuto = {0x6c736dee,0xAB0e,0x11d0,{0xA2,0xAD,0x00,0xA0,0xC9,0x0F,0x27,0xE8}}; const IID IID_ISystemDebugEventInstall = {0x6c736dC0,0xAB0D,0x11d0,{0xA2,0xAD,0x00,0xA0,0xC9,0x0F,0x27,0xE8}}; const IID IID_ISystemDebugEventInstallAuto = {0x6c736ded,0xAB0D,0x11d0,{0xA2,0xAD,0x00,0xA0,0xC9,0x0F,0x27,0xE8}}; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif