// --tagnames.h------------------------------------------------- // // Tag strings used for 822-style header output. // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp., 1986-1996. All rights reserved. // // ------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef _TAGNAMES_H #define _TAGNAMES_H #ifdef __cplusplus // convenient size constants const ULONG ulMaxOutStringLen = (80 + 1); // maximum length of output strings const ULONG ulMaxIDLen = 255; // maximum UID length const ULONG ulMinIDLen = 4; // minimum UID length const UINT cbDateTimeString = (28 + 1); // length of date time string // convenient string constants const LPCSTR lpszNewLine = "\r\n";// blank line const LPCSTR lpszNullData = ""; // null data const LPCSTR lpszBlank = ""; // empty string const LPCSTR lpszColon = ":"; // colon string const LPCSTR lpszSpace = " "; // space string const LPCSTR lpszUniversalTime = " UT"; // universal time string const LPCSTR lpszMTAName = "/M="; // MTA name prefix const LPCSTR lpszPRMDId = "/P="; // PRMD name prefix const LPCSTR lpszADMDName = "/A="; // ADMD name prefix const LPCSTR lpszCountry = "/C="; // country name prefix const LPCSTR lpszCountryEnd = "/;"; // country name postfix // Month abbreviations const LPCSTR lpszSundayA = "Sun, "; const LPCSTR lpszMondayA = "Mon, "; const LPCSTR lpszTuesdayA = "Tue, "; const LPCSTR lpszWednesdayA = "Wed, "; const LPCSTR lpszThursdayA = "Thu, "; const LPCSTR lpszFridayA = "Fri, "; const LPCSTR lpszSaturdayA = "Sat, "; const LPCWSTR lpszSundayW = L"Sun, "; const LPCWSTR lpszMondayW = L"Mon, "; const LPCWSTR lpszTuesdayW = L"Tue, "; const LPCWSTR lpszWednesdayW = L"Wed, "; const LPCWSTR lpszThursdayW = L"Thu, "; const LPCWSTR lpszFridayW = L"Fri, "; const LPCWSTR lpszSaturdayW = L"Sat, "; // Day of week abbreviations const LPCSTR lpszJanuaryA = "Jan "; const LPCSTR lpszFebruaryA = "Feb "; const LPCSTR lpszMarchA = "Mar "; const LPCSTR lpszAprilA = "Apr "; const LPCSTR lpszMayA = "May "; const LPCSTR lpszJuneA = "Jun "; const LPCSTR lpszJulyA = "Jul "; const LPCSTR lpszAugustA = "Aug "; const LPCSTR lpszSeptemberA = "Sep "; const LPCSTR lpszOctoberA = "Oct "; const LPCSTR lpszNovemberA = "Nov "; const LPCSTR lpszDecemberA = "Dec "; const LPCWSTR lpszJanuaryW = L"Jan "; const LPCWSTR lpszFebruaryW = L"Feb "; const LPCWSTR lpszMarchW = L"Mar "; const LPCWSTR lpszAprilW = L"Apr "; const LPCWSTR lpszMayW = L"May "; const LPCWSTR lpszJuneW = L"Jun "; const LPCWSTR lpszJulyW = L"Jul "; const LPCWSTR lpszAugustW = L"Aug "; const LPCWSTR lpszSeptemberW = L"Sep "; const LPCWSTR lpszOctoberW = L"Oct "; const LPCWSTR lpszNovemberW = L"Nov "; const LPCWSTR lpszDecemberW = L"Dec "; // Trace action strings const LPCSTR lpszExpanded = "Expanded"; const LPCSTR lpszRedirected = "Redirected"; const LPCSTR lpszRelayed = "Relayed"; const LPCSTR lpszRerouted = "Rerouted"; // priority strings const LPCSTR lpszNonUrgent = "Non-Urgent"; const LPCSTR lpszNormalUrgency = "Normal"; const LPCSTR lpszUrgent = "Urgent"; // importance strings const LPCSTR lpszLowImp = "Low"; const LPCSTR lpszNormalImp = "Normal"; const LPCSTR lpszHighImp = "High"; // Common character constants const CHAR chColon = ':'; const CHAR chReturn = '\r'; const CHAR chNewLine = '\n'; const CHAR chSpace = ' '; const CHAR chForwardSlash = '/'; const CHAR chNull = '\0'; // used for null data // "Tag" strings const LPCSTR lpszTagTnefAttach = "X-Tnef-Attach"; const LPCSTR lpszTagMailFrom = "MAIL FROM"; const LPCSTR lpszTagRcptTo = "RCPT TO"; const LPCSTR lpszTagData = "DATA:\r\n"; const LPCSTR lpszTagMsgClass = "X-Message-Class"; const LPCSTR lpszTagDate = "Date"; const LPCSTR lpszTagMsgID = "X-Message-ID"; const LPCSTR lpszTagExternalRcvdBy = "External-Received-By"; const LPCSTR lpszTagExternalRcvdAt = "External-Received-At"; const LPCSTR lpszTagExternalAttmBy = "External-Attempted-By"; const LPCSTR lpszTagExternalDefdAt = "External-Deferred-At"; const LPCSTR lpszTagInternalRcvdBy = "Internal-Received-By"; const LPCSTR lpszTagInternalRcvdAt = "Internal-Received-At"; const LPCSTR lpszTagInternalAttmBy = "Internal-Attempted-By"; const LPCSTR lpszTagInternalDefdAt = "Internal-Deferred-At"; const LPCSTR lpszTagFrom = "From"; const LPCSTR lpszTagTo = "TO"; const LPCSTR lpszTagCC = "CC"; const LPCSTR lpszTagBCC = "BCC"; const LPCSTR lpszTagSubject = "Subject"; const LPCSTR lpszTagPriority = "Priority"; const LPCSTR lpszTagImportance = "Importance"; const LPCSTR lpszTagBodyHdr = "----beginbody"; const LPCSTR lpszTagBodyEnd = "\r\n----endbody\r\n"; const LPCSTR lpszTagAttachHdr = "----beginattach"; const LPCSTR lpszTagAttachEnd = "\r\n----endattach\r\n"; const LPCSTR lpszTagSubjectID = "X-Message-Subject-ID"; const LPCSTR lpszTagNotSentTo = "Your message was not delivered to"; const LPCSTR lpszTagReason = "for the following reason"; const LPCSTR lpszTagDiagCode = "Diagnostic code"; const LPCSTR lpszTagNDRCode = "NDR code"; const LPCSTR lpszTagSentTo = "Your message was successfully delivered to"; const LPCSTR lpszTagAtTime = "at"; const LPCSTR lpszTagReadBy = "Your message was read by"; const LPCSTR lpszTagNotReadBy = "Your message was not read by"; const LPCSTR lpszTagDiscCode = "Discard code"; const LPCSTR lpszTagNRNCode = "Non-receipt code"; const LPCSTR lpszTagTnefHdr = "MAPIMAIL.DAT"; // Convenient functional macros inline VOID AddSpace(LPSTR lpsz) { strcat(lpsz, lpszSpace); } // space inline VOID AddColon(LPSTR lpsz) { strcat(lpsz, lpszColon); } // time separator // Look up table size and offset constants. const UINT nDays = 7; // 7 days per week const UINT nMonths = 12; // 12 months per year const UINT nActions = 4; // number of trace entry actions const UINT nActOffset = 2; // trace entry action "offset" from 0 const UINT nPriorities = 3; // number of priority values const UINT nPrioOffset = 1; // priority value "offset" from 0 const UINT nImportances = 3; // number of importance values // Look up tables // $--STRINGVALUEPAIR---------------------------------------------------------- // // A paired string and integer value. // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct { LONG lValue; // integer value LPCWSTR lpszString; // string value } STRINGVALUEPAIRW; typedef struct { LONG lValue; // integer value LPCSTR lpszString; // string value } STRINGVALUEPAIRA; #ifdef UNICODE #define STRINGVALUEPAIR STRINGVALUEPAIRW #else #define STRINGVALUEPAIR STRINGVALUEPAIRA #endif #endif // __cplusplus #endif