*- AUTGRAPH.H *- #DEFINEs for AUTGRAPH.VCX #DEFINE L_DEBUG .F. *- localize these #DEFINE ALERTTITLE_LOC "Microsoft Visual FoxPro Wizards" #DEFINE OS_W32S 1 #DEFINE OS_NT 2 #DEFINE OS_WIN95 3 #DEFINE HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT -2147483648 && BITSET(0,31) #DEFINE HKEY_CURRENT_USER -2147483647 && BITSET(0,31)+1 #DEFINE HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -2147483646 && (( HKEY ) 0x80000002 ) #DEFINE ERROR_SUCCESS 0 #DEFINE C_GRAPHDBF "vfpgraph.dbf" #DEFINE C_GRAPHSCX "vfpgraph.scx" #DEFINE MSGRAPH_CLASS "MSGraph.Chart" && version of MS Graph needed #DEFINE MSGRAPH_8_CLASS "MSGraph.Chart.8" && class of MS Graph needed #DEFINE MSGRAPH_VERSION 5 && version of MS Graph needed #DEFINE MSGRAPH_APPNAME "Microsoft Graph" && app name returned by application.name #DEFINE MAX_MSGRAPH 4000 #DEFINE MAX_DATAPOINTS 100 #DEFINE PIETYPE 5 #DEFINE TAB CHR(9) #DEFINE CRLF CHR(13)+CHR(10) #DEFINE IS_NO 7 #DEFINE IS_YES 6 #DEFINE IS_CANCEL 2 #DEFINE OKCAN_DIALOG 33 #DEFINE YESNOCAN_DIALOG 35 #DEFINE YESNO_DIALOG 36 #DEFINE NO_BTN 256 #DEFINE I_DEFAULTGALLERY 21 #DEFINE C_BADMSGRAPH_LOC "Microsoft Graph does not appear to be installed properly. The latest version of Graph is available from Microsoft Office." #DEFINE C_NOMSGRAPH_LOC "Could not locate MS Graph file. Please reinstall it from Microsoft Office." #DEFINE C_MSGRAPHVER_LOC "You must have MS Graph version 8.0 loaded. Please install correct version from Microsoft Office." #DEFINE C_NOSOURCE_LOC "No datasource selected. Graph automation tool terminated." #DEFINE C_SAVEPROMPT1_LOC "Save graph in table:" #DEFINE C_SAVEPROMPT2_LOC "Save graph in query:" #DEFINE C_SAVEPROMPT3_LOC "Save graph in form:" #DEFINE C_FILEINUSE_LOC "The table you selected is already in use." #DEFINE C_READONLY_LOC "The table you selected is read-only." #DEFINE C_NODATAPOINTS_LOC "No data points to graph." #DEFINE C_MAXGRAPH_LOC "You have over " + ALLTRIM(STR(MAX_MSGRAPH)) + " records in your table. "+; "This exceeds the maximum allowed by MS Graph." #DEFINE C_TOOMANYPOINTS_LOC "You have over "+ALLTRIM(STR(MAX_DATAPOINTS))+" records to graph. "+; "The graph may be crowded and hard to read. "+; "Do you want to prepare the graph anyway?" #DEFINE C_BADCATEGORY_LOC "The category field specified is not in the selected table." #DEFINE C_NOTNUMERIC_LOC "The data fields chosen are not all numeric. "+; "Do you want to continue plotting only those series which are numeric?" #DEFINE C_BADDATAFIELD_LOC "One of the data fields is not in the selected table." #DEFINE C_NODATAFLDS_LOC "No numeric data fields were found" #DEFINE C_WAITDATA_LOC "Adding data to graph..." #DEFINE C_WAITFORMAT_LOC "Formatting graph..." #DEFINE C_HADERROR_LOC "An error occurred in writing your graph to the selected table. "+; "Check to see if the table is already in use." #DEFINE C_OLEERROR_LOC "Could not proceed because an OLE Error Occurred." #DEFINE C_BADFIELDS_LOC "The source graph table does not have a valid General field." #DEFINE C_APPENDREC_LOC "You have selected a table which already exists. "+; "Choose Yes to append your graph to the existing table or No to create a new table." #DEFINE C_NOAPPENDREC_LOC "You have selected a table which does not have a General field for adding your graph. "+; "Would you like to create a new table?" #DEFINE C_HADERROR_LOC "An error occurred in writing your graph to the selected table. "+; "Check to see if the table is already in use." #DEFINE C_CLOSE_LOC "Close" #DEFINE C_FORMCAPTION_LOC "VFP Graph" #DEFINE C_PRVWCAPTION_LOC "Graph Preview" #IF 1 *- chart types for Graph5 #DEFINE I_AREA_GRAPH 1 #DEFINE I_AREA3D_GRAPH 9 #DEFINE I_BAR_GRAPH 2 #DEFINE I_BAR3D_GRAPH 10 #DEFINE I_COLUMN_GRAPH 3 #DEFINE I_COLUMN3D_GRAPH 11 #DEFINE I_PIE_GRAPH 7 #DEFINE I_PIE3D_GRAPH 8 #DEFINE I_LINE_GRAPH 1 #DEFINE I_LINE3D_GRAPH 12 #DEFINE I_HILO_GRAPH 8 #DEFINE I_HILOCOLOR_GRAPH 7 #ELSE #DEFINE I_AREA_GRAPH 76 #DEFINE I_AREA3D_GRAPH 78 #DEFINE I_BAR_GRAPH 57 #DEFINE I_BAR3D_GRAPH 60 #DEFINE I_COLUMN_GRAPH 51 #DEFINE I_COLUMN3D_GRAPH 54 #DEFINE I_PIE_GRAPH 5 #DEFINE I_PIE3D_GRAPH -4102 #DEFINE I_LINE_GRAPH 4 #DEFINE I_LINE3D_GRAPH -4101 #DEFINE I_HILO_GRAPH 88 #DEFINE I_HILOCOLOR_GRAPH 88 #ENDIF