ALPHABETIZED LIST OF PRODUCT FILES ---------------------------------- BAMGR16 DL_ (DISK1) - 16-bit installation script engine. COMPILER PAK (Created by concatinating COMPILER.CA? files found on DISK2, DISK4) - Compression file COMPANIO HLP - Help file for Companion Products and Services information. CWH HLP - Creating Windows Help DB550009 DLL - System resource file for compiled applications. DB550009 FNF - Support database for Expression Builder for compiled applications. DB55RUN EXE - dBASE Runtime Module to suppor the compiler DB55RUN PIF - Default Program Information File for compield applications. DBDEPLOY DLL - DLL used in preparing deployment disk configurations. DBWSTUB BIN - Used by the BUILD command to produce a compiled .exe HCP ERR - Error messages used by help compiler HCP EXE - Help Compiler HELPEX HLP - Sample Help file HELPREF HLP - Creating Windows Help reference. IBUILDER PAK (Created by concatinating IBUILDER.CA? files found on DISK1, DISK3) - Compression file BAMGR16 DL_ - Required by Application Deployer. BDE PAK - Language drivers. BDECFG PAK - Language drivers. ILD01 PAK - Required by the Application Deployer. INSTRUN EX_ - Required by Application Deployer. INSTXTRA PAK - Required by Application Deployer. LANGDRV PAK - Language drivers. OLE2 PAK - Language drivers. SETUP EXE - Required by Application Deployer. IMBKGRD PAK (DISK1) - Compression file GREENBAR BMP - Background bitmap LEDGER BMP - Background bitmap QUADRILL BMP - Background bitmap WRITING BMP - Background bitmap IMBUTTN PAK (DISK2) - Compression file ABORT BMP - Two-state button bitmap ALARM BMP - Two-state button bitmap ALARMRNG BMP - Two-state button bitmap ANIMATN BMP - Two-state button bitmap ARROW1D BMP - Two-state button bitmap ARROW1DL BMP - Two-state button bitmap ARROW1DR BMP - Two-state button bitmap ARROW1L BMP - Two-state button bitmap ARROW1R BMP - Two-state button bitmap ARROW1U BMP - Two-state button bitmap ARROW1UL BMP - Two-state button bitmap ARROW1UR BMP - Two-state button bitmap ARROW2D BMP - Two-state button bitmap ARROW2L BMP - Two-state button bitmap ARROW2R BMP - Two-state button bitmap ARROW2U BMP - Two-state button bitmap ARROW3D BMP - Two-state button bitmap ARROW3L BMP - Two-state button bitmap ARROW3R BMP - Two-state button bitmap ARROW3U BMP - Two-state button bitmap BOOKOPEN BMP - Two-state button bitmap BOOKSHUT BMP - Two-state button bitmap BRUSH BMP - Two-state button bitmap BULBOFF BMP - Two-state button bitmap BULBON BMP - Two-state button bitmap CALCULAT BMP - Two-state button bitmap CALENDAR BMP - Two-state button bitmap CDROM BMP - Two-state button bitmap CHECK BMP - Two-state button bitmap CLEAR BMP - Two-state button bitmap CLOCK BMP - Two-state button bitmap COMPMAC BMP - Two-state button bitmap COMPPC1 BMP - Two-state button bitmap COMPPC2 BMP - Two-state button bitmap COPY BMP - Two-state button bitmap CRDFILE1 BMP - Two-state button bitmap CRDFILE2 BMP - Two-state button bitmap CRDFILE3 BMP - Two-state button bitmap CUT BMP - Two-state button bitmap DATE BMP - Two-state button bitmap DAY BMP - Two-state button bitmap DELETE BMP - Two-state button bitmap DIRECTRY BMP - Two-state button bitmap DOCSINGL BMP - Two-state button bitmap DOCSTACK BMP - Two-state button bitmap DOOROPEN BMP - Two-state button bitmap DOORSHUT BMP - Two-state button bitmap EDIT BMP - Two-state button bitmap ERASE BMP - Two-state button bitmap EXPORT BMP - Two-state button bitmap FCABOPEN BMP - Two-state button bitmap FCABSHUT BMP - Two-state button bitmap FDRAWER1 BMP - Two-state button bitmap FDRAWER2 BMP - Two-state button bitmap FIELD BMP - Two-state button bitmap FILECLOS BMP - Two-state button bitmap FILENEW BMP - Two-state button bitmap FILEOPEN BMP - Two-state button bitmap FILESAVE BMP - Two-state button bitmap FIND BMP - Two-state button bitmap FIRSTAID BMP - Two-state button bitmap FLDR2OPN BMP - Two-state button bitmap FLDRMANY BMP - Two-state button bitmap FLDROPEN BMP - Two-state button bitmap FLDRSHUT BMP - Two-state button bitmap FLOPPY BMP - Two-state button bitmap FOLDRDOC BMP - Two-state button bitmap FONT BMP - Two-state button bitmap FONTBOLD BMP - Two-state button bitmap FONTITAL BMP - Two-state button bitmap FONTSIZE BMP - Two-state button bitmap FORM BMP - Two-state button bitmap GEARS BMP - Two-state button bitmap GLOBE BMP - Two-state button bitmap GROUP BMP - Two-state button bitmap GRPHBAR BMP - Two-state button bitmap GRPHLINE BMP - Two-state button bitmap GRPHPIE BMP - Two-state button bitmap HARDDISK BMP - Two-state button bitmap HELP BMP - Two-state button bitmap HELPINDX BMP - Two-state button bitmap HIDE BMP - Two-state button bitmap HOURGLAS BMP - Two-state button bitmap IGNORE BMP - Two-state button bitmap IMPORT BMP - Two-state button bitmap INSERT BMP - Two-state button bitmap KEY BMP - Two-state button bitmap KEYBOARD BMP - Two-state button bitmap LED1OFF BMP - Two-state button bitmap LED1ON BMP - Two-state button bitmap LED2OFF BMP - Two-state button bitmap LED2ON BMP - Two-state button bitmap LED3OFF BMP - Two-state button bitmap LED3ON BMP - Two-state button bitmap LIBRARY BMP - Two-state button bitmap LINKS BMP - Two-state button bitmap LOCKOPEN BMP - Two-state button bitmap LOCKSHUT BMP - Two-state button bitmap MAIL BMP - Two-state button bitmap MAILAUD BMP - Two-state button bitmap MAILBOX BMP - Two-state button bitmap MAILBOXF BMP - Two-state button bitmap MAILHOT BMP - Two-state button bitmap MAILOPEN BMP - Two-state button bitmap MAILPICT BMP - Two-state button bitmap MAILTEXT BMP - Two-state button bitmap MAILVID BMP - Two-state button bitmap MANY2MNY BMP - Two-state button bitmap MANY2ONE BMP - Two-state button bitmap MEAN BMP - Two-state button bitmap MEDIAN BMP - Two-state button bitmap MODE BMP - Two-state button bitmap MONITOR BMP - Two-state button bitmap MOUSE BMP - Two-state button bitmap MUSIC BMP - Two-state button bitmap NETPEER BMP - Two-state button bitmap NETSERV BMP - Two-state button bitmap NIGHT BMP - Two-state button bitmap NPAD BMP - Two-state button bitmap NPADTAB BMP - Two-state button bitmap NPADWRIT BMP - Two-state button bitmap ONE2MANY BMP - Two-state button bitmap ONE2ONE BMP - Two-state button bitmap PAGENUM BMP - Two-state button bitmap PASTE BMP - Two-state button bitmap PENCIL BMP - Two-state button bitmap PHONE BMP - Two-state button bitmap PHONERNG BMP - Two-state button bitmap PICTURE BMP - Two-state button bitmap PRINT BMP - Two-state button bitmap PRINTER BMP - Two-state button bitmap PROPERTY BMP - Two-state button bitmap QUERY BMP - Two-state button bitmap REPORT BMP - Two-state button bitmap RESOURCE BMP - Two-state button bitmap RETRY BMP - Two-state button bitmap SHOW BMP - Two-state button bitmap SORT BMP - Two-state button bitmap SOUND BMP - Two-state button bitmap SPELLING BMP - Two-state button bitmap STPWATCH BMP - Two-state button bitmap SUM BMP - Two-state button bitmap TABLE BMP - Two-state button bitmap TIME BMP - Two-state button bitmap TOOLS BMP - Two-state button bitmap TRASH BMP - Two-state button bitmap TRASHFUL BMP - Two-state button bitmap TUTORIAL BMP - Two-state button bitmap UNDO BMP - Two-state button bitmap UNGROUP BMP - Two-state button bitmap VARIANCE BMP - Two-state button bitmap VCRFSFOR BMP - Two-state button bitmap VCRPAUSE BMP - Two-state button bitmap VCRPLAY BMP - Two-state button bitmap VCRRECRD BMP - Two-state button bitmap VCRREWND BMP - Two-state button bitmap VCRSTOP BMP - Two-state button bitmap VIDEO BMP - Two-state button bitmap WATCH BMP - Two-state button bitmap WRITE BMP - Two-state button bitmap ZOOMIN BMP - Two-state button bitmap ZOOMOUT BMP - Two-state button bitmap IMDEF PAK (DISK2) - Compression file DEFAULT ICO - Default icon for compiled applications. OUTCLOSE BMP - Misc. redistributable bitmap. OUTLEAF BMP - Misc. redistributable bitmap. OUTMINUS BMP - Misc. redistributable bitmap. OUTOPEN BMP - Misc. redistributable bitmap. OUTPLUS BMP - Misc. redistributable bitmap. IMINCONS PAK (DISK1) - Compression file CHEM16 BMP - Misc. redistributable bitmap. CHEMICAL ICO - Misc. redistributable icon. CHIP ICO - Misc. redistributable icon. CHIP16 BMP - Misc. redistributable bitmap. CONSTR16 BMP - Misc. redistributable bitmap. CONSTRUC ICO - Misc. redistributable icon. EARTH ICO - Misc. redistributable icon. EARTH16 BMP - Misc. redistributable bitmap. FACTORY ICO - Misc. redistributable icon. FACTRY16 BMP - Misc. redistributable bitmap. FINANC16 BMP - Misc. redistributable bitmap. FINANCE ICO - Misc. redistributable icon. HANDSH16 BMP - Misc. redistributable bitmap. HANDSHAK ICO - Icon for the Companion Products Program Item. SHIP16 BMP - Misc. redistributable bitmap. SHIPPING ICO - Misc. redistributable icon. SKYLIN16 BMP - Misc. redistributable bitmap. SKYLINE ICO - Misc. redistributable icon. TECH16 BMP - Misc. redistributable bitmap. TECHNLGY ICO - Misc. redistributable icon. IMSPLS16 PAK (DISK1) - Compression file CHIP BMP - Misc. redistributable bitmap. CONSTRUC BMP - Misc. redistributable bitmap. EARTH BMP - Misc. redistributable bitmap. SKYLINE BMP - Misc. redistributable bitmap. TECHNLGY BMP - Misc. redistributable bitmap. IMSPLS25 PAK (DISK2) - Compression file CHEMICAL BMP - Misc. redistributable bitmap. FACTORY BMP - Misc. redistributable bitmap. FINANCE BMP - Misc. redistributable bitmap. HANDSHAK BMP - Misc. redistributable bitmap. SHIPPING BMP - Misc. redistributable bitmap. INSTRUN EX_ (DISK1) - Installation program. INSTXTRA PAK (DISK1) - Compression file BAENG16 DLL - 16-bit installation script engine. BSCOB16 DLL - 16-bit installation script engine. INSTBOR DLL - DLL used by the install process. INSTCUI DLL - DLL used by the install process. INSTDEL LST - Config file for instdel.exe INSTRRF DLL - DLL used by the install process. MUSAMPLE PAK (DISK1) - Compression file MUSIC MAK - Program for building music.exe from scratch MUSIC RSP - Response file for building music.exe PIPELINE PAK (DISK2) - Compression file CRAMAPI DLL - Pipeline Redistributable MAILFORM CTL - Pipeline Redistributable PIPELINE DLL - Pipeline Redistributable PIPELINE INI - Pipeline Redistributable REGISTER EXE - Pipeline Redistributable REGPRINT CTL - Pipeline Redistributable REGRMDR EXE - Pipeline Redistributable REMIND EXE - Pipeline Redistributable REMIND SCH - Pipeline Redistributable SDKINTRO BMP - Pipeline Redistributable SLIDSHOW FSS - Pipeline Redistributable SSLIB DLL - Pipeline Redistributable THANKS BMP - Pipeline Redistributable WALLPAPR BMP - Pipeline Redistributable READCMPL TXT (DISK1) - Visual dBASE Compiler readme file. SAMPLES PAK (DISK2) - Compression file CUSTORD MAK - Program for building custord.exe from scratch CUSTORD RSP - Response file for building custord.exe SETUP EXE (DISK1) - Installation program loader.